Closure of UNPOS
The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) completed its Security Council mandate on 3 June 2013. The United Nations continues to provide support to the Somalia Federal Government's peace and reconciliation efforts through the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), established by Security Council resolution 2101 (2013).
For more information, click here to visit UNSOM's website.
1 Mar
Nairobi, 01 March 2010 – On the 30th January 2010, President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed celebrated one year in office. Yesterday marked the first anniversary of Omar Abidirashid Ali Sharmarke in the office of Prime Minister. "Over the last year, both leaders as well as the Speaker, Sheikh Aden Mohamed Nur (Madobe) have demonstrated to their people and to the region a strong and united leadership in addressing their nation's many problems," the United Nations Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah said. [English] [Somali]