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  1. 11 July 2009

    14 December 2009 The U.N.

  2. 14 July 2009

    14 December 2009 Two French security advisers are abducted from the Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu.

  3. 20 July 2009

    14 December 2009 Al-Shabab enters UN compounds in Baidoa and Wajid removing equipment and vehicles.

  4. 21 July 2009

    14 December 2009 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issues a

  5. 25 July 2009

    14 December 2009 The revamped Joint Security Committee (JSC) meets for the first time in Mogadishu and is lauded as an important step towards reforming and improving security in Somalia.

  6. 29 July 2009

    14 December 2009 In his statement to the Security Council, the SRSG asks the Council for political and financial support to the Somali Government, immediate and concrete support to AMISOM as well

  7. 31 July 2009

    14 December 2009 Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson says the US is prepared to give more aid to Somalia.

  8. 06 August 2009

    14 December 2009 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets with President Sheikh Sharif demonstrating U.S. support for the government.

  9. 18 August 2009

    30 November 2009 Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke re-shuffles and expands his cabinet in an attempt to reduce grievances among clans who feel underrepresented.

  10. 14 September 2009

    30 November 2009 In South Central Somalia, the United States Special Forces kills top East African Al-Qaeda militant.
