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  1. Members of UNSC visit Nairobi to discuss the future of Somalia

    30 May 2011 On 25 May 2011, Members of the UN Security Council visited Nairobi to hold detailed discussions on the future of Somalia.

  2. Members of UNSC visit Nairobi to discuss the future of Somalia

    30 May 2011 On 25 May 2011, Members of the UN Security Council visited Nairobi to hold detailed discussions on the future of Somalia.

  3. Somalilanders agree on way forward to presidential elections

    8 October 2009 Nairobi, 02 October 2009 – The UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, has congratulated Somaliland officials on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding

  4. SRSG Mahiga congratulates Somalia's new Prime Minister

    15 October 2010... for Somalia, Dr Augustine P. Mahiga, congratulates Somalia's new Prime Minister, Mohamed A. ...

  5. SRSG Mahiga congratulates Somalia's new Prime Minister

    15 October 2010... for Somalia, Dr Augustine P. Mahiga, congratulates Somalia's new Prime Minister, Mohamed A. ...

  6. SRSG Mahiga congratulates Somalia's new Prime Minister

    18 October 2010

  7. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General on Somalia

    10 June 2011... New York, 09 June 2011 – The Secretary-General welcomes the " ...

  8. Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the UN Secretary-General on Somalia

    10 June 2011... New York, 09 June 2011 – The Secretary-General welcomes the " ...

  9. 12 - 13 April 2011

    26 May 2011... on 12 and 13 April 2011. The meeting is boycotted by President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and the ...

  10. War cad oo ka soo baxay Ergeyga Gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee Soomaaliya

    11 September 2012 Muqdisho, 10ka September 2012 - Maanta dadka Soomaaliyeed waxay horey u qaadeen tallaabo weyn ee waddada nabadda iyo barwaaqada.
