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  1. SRSG Mahiga addresses the International Contact Group Meeting in Kampala

    6 June 2011 Kampala, 2 June 2011 – SRSG Mahiga welcomed the attendance of key stakeholders who are pivotal in ...

  2. SRSG Mahiga addresses the Security Council

    12 May 2011

  3. Opening Statement by SRSG Augustine P. Mahiga at the High Level Consultative Meeting

    12 April 2011 Nairobi, 12 April 2011 - Opening Statement by SRSG Augustine P. ...

  4. SRSG Mahiga addresses the UN Security Council on Somalia

    19 January 2011 New York, 14 January 2011 – SRSG Mahiga thanked the Council for adopting ...

  5. SRSG Mahiga addresses the Stand-Alone Interactive Dialogue on Human Rights in Somalia

    1 October 2010

  6. SRSG Mahiga addresses the 18th Meeting of the Internatinal Contact Group

    27 September 2010

  7. SRSG Mahiga briefs the UN Security Council on Somalia

    20 September 2010

  8. SRSG Mahiga condemns suicide attack in Mogadishu

    4 October 2011 04 October 2011 – The UN Special Representative for Somalia, Dr. Augustine P.

  9. SRSG Mahiga’s message on International Youth Day, 12 August 2011

    12 August 2011... Day, we pause to reflect on a sizeable portion of the world's population, to acknowledge their achievements, recognize their potential, and ...

  10. SRSG Mahiga strongly condemns murder of Interior Minister in Mogadishu

    13 June 2011 Nairobi, 11 June 2011 – The UN Special Representative for Somalia, Dr Augustine P.
