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  1. 17 September 2009

    30 November 2009 Al-Shabab organises twin suicide car bomb attacks on AMISOM troops at their headquarters in Mogadishu, killing 17 AU peacekeepers, including deputy force commander of Burundi, Bri

  2. 24 September 2009

    19 November 2009 Defence Ministers from Uganda and Burundi and Somalia's Minister of Internal Security, meet in Kampala to evaluate the situation and agree on the way forward.

  3. 02 October 2009

    18 November 2009 Somaliland's three political parties sign a six-point Memorandum of Understanding which stresses the need for free, fair and peaceful elections, including depoliticizing the date of

  4. SRSG attends High Level meetings in UK, UN Security Council and Canada, 24-31 July 2009

    5 August 2009 The SRSG attended an international conference at Wilton Park outside London organized in cooperation with the African Directorate at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office on "Man

  5. Statement by the UN Special Representative for Somalia to UN Security Council, 29 July 2009

    30 July 2009 Mr President, Permanent Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen

  6. Brussels, 27 February 2009

    14 December 2010 Communiqué of the 14 th

  7. Rome, 10 June 2009

    14 December 2010 Communiqué of th

  8. Jeddah, 17 December 2009

    9 December 2010 Communiqué of the 16 th Meeting

  9. Addis Ababa, 22 May 2009

    14 December 2010 Communiqué of the 190 th

  10. Addis Ababa, 10 July 2009

    28 December 2010
