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  1. Cairo Communiqué of the International Contact Group on Somalia, 21-22 April 2010

    27 April 2010 The 17th meeting of the International Contact Group on Somalia (ICG) was held under the chairmanship of the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, from 21 –

  2. Cairo Communiqué of the International Contact Group on Somalia, 21-22 April 2010

    27 April 2010 The 17th meeting of the International Contact Group on Somalia (ICG) was held under the chairmanship of the UN Special Representative for Somalia, Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, from 21 –

  3. Statement by SRSG Mahiga to the UN Security Council

    20 September 2010 New York, 16 September 2010

  4. 23 November 2009

    21 December 2009 UNPOS intensifies its efforts to establish its political footprints in Somalia following a round of high level consultations in Somaliland with a delegation led by UNPOS Deputy SR

  5. 23 November 2010

    6 December 2010 The UN Security Council adopts Resolution

  6. 22 - 23 November 2008

    8 January 2010 A meeting on Justice and Reconciliation (Article 9 of the Djibouti Agreement) held in Djibouti agrees on the need to address impunity.

  7. Addis Ababa, 23 November 2010

    28 December 2010 Comm

  8. Nairobi, 06 November 2009

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  9. Nairobi, 27 November 2009

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  10. 23 October 2009

    21 December 2009 The newly formatted High Level Committee (HLC) meets and is co-chaired by SRSG Ould-Abdallah and Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Lynn Pascoe.
