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  1. SRSG Mahiga addresses the UN Security Council

    16 May 2012 New York, 15 May 2012 – SRSG Mahiga presented to the United Nations Security the latest report of the ...

  2. SRSG Mahiga delivers his opening statement at the International Contact Group Meeting in Rome

    2 July 2012 Rome, 02 July 2012 – SRSG Mahiga welcomed the convening of the 22nd meeting of the International ...

  3. SRSG Mahiga statement on killing of Warsame Shire Awale

    30 October 2012... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Dr. Augustine P. ...

  4. SRSG Mahiga's Statement on the Endorsement of the Council of Ministers

    13 November 2012... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Dr. Augustine P. ...

  5. SRSG Mahiga's Statement on the Endorsement of the Council of Ministers

    13 November 2012... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Dr. Augustine P. ...

  6. SRSG Mahiga statement on killing of Warsame Shire Awale

    30 October 2012... Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia (SRSG), Dr. Augustine P. ...

  7. SRSG Mahiga delivers his opening statement at the International Contact Group Meeting in Rome

    2 July 2012 Rome, 02 July 2012 – SRSG Mahiga welcomed the convening of the 22nd meeting of the International ...

  8. SRSG Mahiga addresses the UN Security Council

    16 May 2012 New York, 15 May 2012 – SRSG Mahiga presented to the United Nations Security the latest report of the ...

  9. SRSG Mahiga opens the 20th Meeting of the International Contact Group for Somalia

    29 September 2011 Copenhagen, 29 September 2011 – SRSG Mahiga welcomed the participants of the 20th Meeting of the International ...

  10. SRSG Mahiga addresses the AUPSC Meeting

    18 August 2011 Addis Ababa, 16 August 2011 – SRSG Mahiga thanked the African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) and ...
