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  1. Nairobi, 06 August 2008

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  2. Nairobi, 22 September 2008

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  3. Nairobi, 30 October 2008

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  4. Nairobi, 02 December 2008

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  5. Nairobi, 31 December 2008

    15 January 2010 Letter to members of the Somali Diaspora.

  6. Nairobi, 06 January 2010

    15 January 2010

  7. The Consultation Draft Constitution for Somalia will be officially launched in Nairobi, 2 September

    31 August 2010

  8. The High Level Political Committee to meet in Nairobi on 6 and 7 September

    27 August 2010

  9. The High Level Political Committee to meet in Nairobi on 6 and 7 September 2010

    27 August 2010

  10. Nairobi, 31 December 2012

    25 February 2013 Letter to the Somali People [English]
