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  1. 9 December 2009

    21 December 2009 A report from IGAD Ministerial meeting in Djibouti, attended by the SRSG, reaffirms its commitment and support to the Somali peace process and welcomes a draft budget presented by

  2. 17 December 2009

    21 December 2009 The International Contact Group meeting takes place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

  3. 26 January 2009

    14 December 2009 At a Djibouti conference, the Somalia's Transitional Federal Parliament (TFP) votes in favour of expanding the Parliament.

  4. 28 January 2009

    14 December 2009 Parliament votes in favour of extending its term until August 2011.

  5. 31 January 2009

    14 December 2009 Chairman of the ARS, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed is elected as Somalia's new President by the new expanded Parliament.

  6. 13 February 2009

    14 December 2009 President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed formally announces Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake, as the new Prime Minister in Djibouti.

  7. 22 February 2009

    14 December 2009 Eleven Burundian peacekeepers are killed after suicide bombers drive a truckload of explosives through an AU camp of Burundi soldiers in Mogadishu.

  8. 26 - 27 February 2009

    14 December 2009 International Contact Group Meeting is held in Brussels to discuss the next steps in the Djibouti process. Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs, Muhammad Abdullahi Omar attends.

  9. 28 February 2009

    14 December 2009 Prime Minister holds his first cabinet meeting in Mogadishu.

  10. 04 March 2009

    14 December 2009 Parliament meets for the first time in Mogadishu.
