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  1. 20 November 2008

    8 January 2010 The Council, after nearly two months of discussions, adopted

  2. 25 November 2008

    8 January 2010 At a Djibouti Conference, the H

  3. 27 - 28 November 2008

    8 January 2010 UNPOS and UNDP convene a Conference on Federalism and Decentralisation in Nairobi in which political decision-makers and experts from Somalia and the Diaspora look at forms of gov

  4. 04 November 2012

    17 January 2013 Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon announces the nomination of a Council of Ministers. It includes: Mrs Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr.

  5. SRSG Mahiga's Op-Ed in the East African of 19 November 2011

    21 November 2011 SOMALIA 2011—Light at end of the tunnel or business as usual?

  6. Bujumbura, 18 November 2010

    14 December 2010 Communiqué of

  7. Former Somali senior military officials to meet in Washington, DC

    8 September 2009 Nairobi, 31 July 2009 – The United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) is convening a ...

  8. SRSG Mahiga on International Human Rights Day

    10 December 2010

  9. SRSG Mahiga on International Human Rights Day

    10 December 2010

  10. SRSG Mahiga on International Human Rights Day

    10 December 2010 Nairobi, 10 December 2010 – Speaking on International Human Rights Day, which marks the anniversary of the adoption, on 10 December 1948, of the Universal Declaration of Human Righ
