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  1. Nairobi, 23 February 2011

    23 March 2011 AMISOM, IGAD, UNPOS adopt a Joint Regional Strategy.

  2. 07 November 2006

    1 February 2010... implications of the Khartoum III round of talks that ended 1 November. ...

  3. 13 November 2012

    17 January 2013... was announced by Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon on 4 November. ...

  4. SRSG Mahiga's Op-Ed in the East African of 19 November 2011

    21 November 2011 SOMALIA 2011—Light at end of the tunnel or business as usual?

  5. 27 November 2010

    30 November 2010 Somalia's Parliament endorses the new Cabinet expected to work with the new Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed.

  6. 14 November 2010

    15 November 2010 Somalia's Parliament convenes and extends by seven days the deadline for Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullai Mohamed to present his adminis

  7. 12 November 2010

    15 November 2010 Newly appointed Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed nominates a cabinet of eighteen (18) ministers down from the original thirty nine (39) in the previous administration.

  8. 01 November 2006

    1 February 2010 Khartoum III talks end with postponement of discussions

  9. 29 November 2006

    18 January 2010 UN Security Council adopts Resolution 1724

  10. 24 November 2007

    15 January 2010 Nur Hassan Hussein sworn in as Prime Minister.
