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  1. High-Level Conference on the Constitution will take place from 21 to 23 December 2011

    19 December 2011 Nairobi, 19 December 2011 – Following consultations with the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions and other stakeholders, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia announc

  2. High-Level Conference on the Constitution will take place from 21 to 23 December 2011

    19 December 2011 Nairobi, 19 December 2011 – Following consultations with the Somali Transitional Federal Institutions and other stakeholders, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia announc

  3. 23 September 2011

    27 October 2011 The Secretary-General convenes a mini-summit on Somalia on the margins of the UN General Assembly.

  4. 23 June 2011

    23 June 2011 The President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed appoints Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali to the post of the Prime Minister.

  5. 23 January 2011

    26 May 2011 The "Puntland" administration announces that it will bar TFG leaders and civil servants from entering the region.

  6. 23 February 2011

    26 May 2011 AMISOM, IGAD and the UNPOS announce in a joint

  7. 23 August 2010

    26 August 2010 Al-Shabab Administration for Banadir takes over the control of local FM of IQK/Holy Quran Radio in Mogadishu.

  8. 23 February 2010

    26 March 2010 Deputy District Commissioner of Bur-Salah District in Mudug Region, "Puntland", is killed reportedly by stray bullets.

  9. 23 July 2008

    8 January 2010 SRSG briefs th

  10. London, 23 February 2012

    10 March 2012 Communiqué of the London Conference on Somalia
